This is a quick follow up post on my previous post about Synolgoy LUN Snapshots and immutability which can be found here.
After having it run for a while, I noticed the snapshots created on a schedule didn’t have the immutable flag set, despite it being configured under settings.

I couldn’t figure out why it was not working, so I opened a case with Synology. Support got back to me very quickly and I set up a remote session.
As it turns out, I’m hitting a known issue with DSM. The solution is simple; install snapshot replication services (you don’t need to configure it) and go back into settings for your schedule and uncheck, save, recheck immutable snapshots. Last step is important.
After this, all my scheduled snapshots had the immutability flag set. Quick fix, Synology is working on correcting it in a future release. I ran into this issue on DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 3 as of 12-18-2023. Shout out again to Synology support for the quick turn around!