While 2021 was a bit challenging so far, I learned the great news last week that I was select to be part of the 2021 Veeam Vanguard class!
For those not familiar with Veeam Vanguard (or Veeam), check out their site about Veeam Vanguards.
Veeam Vanguards are considered experts in their respected fields and believe in the power of the community. Now, I by no means consider myself an expert, there is always so much to learn, but I definitely believe in community and giving back what you can. I don’t know the countless times someone’s blog really helped me solve a problem I was having or a post on Twitter.
One of the greatest benefits of programs like Veeam Vanguard is being able to network with others in the industry. You might run into an issue and just ask in the Slack channel. Chances are someone else has seen this before and knows how to fix it. Plus, there are betas for testing on your home lap, licenses (Veeam already has great community editions), exclusive access to VeeamOn, and just awesomeness all around.
Speaking of, seeing all those names who are part of this program the imposter syndrome is definitely lurking and wanting to take hold!
Many thanks again to all who make this possible! Including Rick Vanover, Danny Allan, Niels Engelen, Anthony Spiteri, Michael Cade, Andrew Zhelezko, Anton Gostev, Rin Bessette, Melissa Palmer, and Nikola Pejková. (I’m sure I might have forgotten some, apologies)
Also special shout-out to Joe Hughes, Jim Jones and Al Rasheed!